The WLAN Security Megaprimer from

Wi-Fi Challenge 1 Solution : There Is No Patch For Stupidity!

This is the solution to the challenge posted here:

Awesome! I hope you all enjoyed playing this challenge over the last 24 hours! :)

They key principle behind cracking this challenge is that if the WEP key is easy to guess (based on a dictionary word or derivative), it is possible to crack the WEP key with just 1 encrypted data packet. The idea here is not run the statistical algorithms like FMS, Korek or PTW, instead what we simple do is we try out different WEP keys and the one which is able to decrypt the packet successfully (the ICV matches post decryption) is the WEP key!

There are dictionary files available on BT4 which we use for this purpose but with a twist. To see the rest and a full demo, watch the video!

The code dump in the video is as follows:

Please do leave your comments behind on how you liked this challenge!

The next one will be based on WEP Cloaking. Here are the 2 videos you need to start preparing for it:

Video Player should be visible here. If not, install / upgrade flash

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